telling the history of our town
Provisional programme – last updated 2nd April – events, venues and timings subject to change
Annual festival of Northumberland’s traditional music, song, craft, dance, dialect, stories and heritage with activities for all the family and the best of entertainers including Benny Graham, Taffy Thomas, Folkestra, Blue Hat Ceilidh Band, Graham Bell & Anne Lamb, Ellington Colliery Band, morris and rapper teams, etc.
Many free events!
Before the Gathering: Pop Up Folk Ensemble Music – for advance details and scores See website
Enquries: 01670 513308 Tickets: Morpeth TIC 01670 623455 Payments at door – cash only
Morpeth Northumbrian Gathering | Northumbriana
Many free events. Prices: adult / school age. Under 5s free.
9.30 – 16.30 CRAFTS EXHIBITION as Friday including family art activity Town Hall 50p on door, accompanied u-12s free
10:00-12:30 DRAGONS AND FAIRIES drop-in family art activity, Town Hall – free but donations towards materials welcome
10.30 – 14.30 OUTDOOR ENTERTAINERS Punch & Judy, musicians, maypole dancing Market Place, Carlisle Park, Sanderson Arcade
10.00 – 16.00 MORPETH CASTLE OPEN DAY history, stories & music. Arranged with Landmark Trust
10.30 – 11.30 PETE SHEPHEARD on his work collecting the songs of Gypsy Traveller families Town Hall £3/£1 on door
11.15 – 12.30 CHURCH SERVICE with dialect hymns & readings from Gathering performers St James the Great Church
11.30-12.30 FIND YOUR SEA LEGS – shanty workshop with Auckland Shanty Singers Bagpipe Museum £3/£1 at door
12.00 – 14.00 MUSICIANS’ SESSION Tap & Spile (donations)
12.30 – 13.30 WHERE IS MY BOY TONIGHT? Megan Wisdom and Mossy Christian’s show on the East Coast Fishing Industry Town Hall Ballroom £3/£1 on door
13.00 – 15.00 TOURS OF COUNCIL CHAMBER, Mayor’s Parlour, civic silver, portraits & artefacts, with the Mayor of Morpeth and councillors as your guides Town Hall free
13.30 – 15.00 DROP IN DULCIMER WORKSHOP with Nonsuch Dulcimer Club. “Come & Try” session on hammered and mountain dulcimers Bagpipe Museum £3/£1 on door
14.00 – 15.00 FAIRY GOLD Fairy stories and folktales with storyteller Taffy Thomas MBE Town Hall Ballroom £3/£1 on door
15.30 – 16.45 FAMILY CEILIDH with Storytellers Street Band with storytelling spots Town Hall Ballroom £3/£1 on door