CWGC Tours 2023 – Morpeth (St. Mary the Virgin) Churchyard

Find out why British, Polish, Dutch and New Zealand nationals are all commemorated in the churchyard. Learn the mystery of the Belgian soldier who fought with Russian forces in WW1 but is buried Morpeth churchyard.

The 19 First World War burials in Morpeth (St. Mary The Virgin) Churchyard are in the oldest part of the churchyard, and the 13 Second World War burials form part of a war graves plot in the newer western part. However, there was a Polish camp and hospital at Morpeth during and immediately after the war, and most of the graves in this plot are those of Polish servicemen. In addition to these 74 Polish burials, there are seven war graves of other nationalities.

Prebooking required – limit of 12 people on each tour.

Access: Parking nearby; Uneven ground. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear suitable footwear.

Additional Information: Max 12 people per tour/session. Contact for the day:

MEETING POINT: At the car park at the side entrance to the churchyard, off St. Mary’s Field NE61 2QD (site of former Storey Park Community Centre).

CWGC Tours 2023 – Morpeth (St. Mary the Virgin) Churchyard

Find out why British, Polish, Dutch and New Zealand nationals are all commemorated in the churchyard. Learn the mystery of the Belgian soldier who fought with Russian forces in WW1 but is buried Morpeth churchyard.

The 19 First World War burials in Morpeth (St. Mary The Virgin) Churchyard are in the oldest part of the churchyard, and the 13 Second World War burials form part of a war graves plot in the newer western part. However, there was a Polish camp and hospital at Morpeth during and immediately after the war, and most of the graves in this plot are those of Polish servicemen. In addition to these 74 Polish burials, there are seven war graves of other nationalities.

Access: Parking nearby; Uneven ground. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear suitable footwear.

Additional Information: Max 12 people per tour/session. Contact for the day:

MEETING POINT: At the car park at the side entrance to the churchyard, off St. Mary’s Field NE61 2QD (site of former Storey Park Community Centre).

War Graves in the Churchyard at St Mary the Virgin, Morpeth

memories from Pat Baker, daughter of the Rev. Canon F. Baker, Rector of Morpeth (1938-39 and 1945-62) and Mrs L Baker

Gallowhill Hall near Bolam was converted into an emergency hospital during World War II and many Polish casualties were treated there. Sadly, most died because their health had suffered when escaping from Poland and Nazi atrocities, they had lived rough and stole food, many contracting Tuberculosis (TB). A section of St Mary’s Churchyard was set aside for War Graves and the Poles were buried there. There are 74 graves of Polish servicemen, 25 graves of Polish civilians and 7 war graves of other nationals, including some British airman who died in an air crash.
Interments had to be done using specified spacing and depth, and the coffins were lined with lead so that they could be sent back to Poland after the war.
A number of Polish visitors came and still come to Morpeth seeking the graves: on one occasion, a Polish gentleman came to The Rectory and asked if there were war graves in the Churchyard. As his English was not good, my mother took him to the graves. On the way, he said that he was looking for his cousin’s grave. The grave was found and he cried, he broken-heartedly said that they had lived on neighbouring farms back in Poland and used to play together as children.
Post-war, a mother of one casualty used to send cash to The Morpeth Rectory to buy flowers to put on her son’s grave, which she continued to do until she died.
The graves are still inspected regularly by the War Graves Commission to see that they are well maintained.

For more information see MORPETH CEMETERY (